Polluted and contaminated water is and has been a main source for diseases. In Europe, there are upcoming challenges to react on. The detection of emerging pollutants such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products and industrial chemicals, requires continuous innovation in the water and wastewater sector to ensure the long-term sustainability and quality of water resources.
DEMEAU ( Demonstration of promising technologies to address emerging pollutants in water and waste water) has demonstrated technologies that address emerging pollutants in water and wastewater, showcasing their benefits and feasibility through Life-Cycle and Life-Cost Assessments and highlighting current barriers for their uptake such as regulatory and authorization issues. DEMEAU has thus contributed to driving future development of legislation by compliance with current legislation in Europe. Companies and utilities need to work together to implement solutions that will drive down costs and improve both efficiency and water quality.
For more information: https://demeau-fp7.eu/